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Newsletter: Friday March 27th

Dear Families,

I’ve done this newsletter via the new blog for several reasons.  First, there was just no way I was going to get this note done to send out on hard copy with the class.  Second, I am working toward making this blog a more active part of the classroom (if you notice, our blog has new home – one that can easily be accessed from school).  Third, we’re working on paper conservation around here and every little bit helps!

WASL snacks

Thank you to all the families who volunteered to feed these hungry students during our WASL testing.  If you did send in a slip, the I sent you a copy of the schedule.  I just ask that if, if it turns out that that date doesn’t work, just let me know.  Thank you!  And also, thank you to the two family who sent in our first batch of gum. 

NEW Camp Thunderbird Due dates

I am sorry to have to change the due date for camp paperwork (which was originally in mid-may) but I was too quick in sending home the paper work so, please amend your calendars.  T-shirt/sweatshirt/waterbottle orders (if you want them) are now due on April 13th.  This is monday after Spring Break, so you might be better off aiming for the end of next week, just to be on the safe side.  All other camp paperwork (including payment) is due on May 1st.  Additionally, cookie dough orders will be arriving on Tuesday, March 31st.  We always appreciate volunteers to help with this, so if you can help let me know!

Progress reports

Progress reports were sent home today with students, showing assignments turned in for all subjects except math (I haven’t figured out how to run those through my new system yet) and with a third quarter vocabulary average.


We’ve been focusing on identifying a theme in text and supporting this theme with evidence from the story.  This is the last idea I wanted to put into place before beginning Literature Circles next week, most likely using Tuck Everlasting but that’s not a firm decision.  (It is, however, a fascinating book.)

Langauge Arts

Our major writing activities this week consisted on fininsh up last week’s writing prompt and practicing using elaboration icons to bring voice to the upcoming Puget Sound Report.  Please ask your child for details on this report assignment.


In addition to continuing our work with fractions, we’ve also begun working on a larger group problem solving activity (see the Pizza Parlor problem) which has students really involved, not only in the math, but also how to solve the problem respectfully as a group and, of course, what to name the pizzas.  🙂  We will continue to work on both this problem and our fraction unit until Spring Break.

Math Competition

To those families involved in the math Competition: I have, in the past, tried to make block reservations to stay at the Quality Inn in Bellingham (the infamous place with the pool) but I will admit that this year, I can’t seem to get that done.  So, as the date for the competition comes up quickly, here are your options:

  • Make your own reservations at a hotel near Blaine or Bellingham on your own (some families have told me they have had good success with Travelocity or a similar site).
  • Drive up to Blaine on Saturday morning…just make sure to leave nice and early to be in Blaine by 8:30 am.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, or is worried about how their student is going to get there, please let me know!


We continue to learn more and more about the Puget Sound.  Students are currently working on the aforementioned research project and we will soon be shifting focus from the Eel grass estuary ecosystem to the rocky intertidal ecosystem – my favorite! (Does is say something about me that I have a favorite Puget Sound ecosystem?) 

We also took a break from Puget Sound today, to perform an experiment with Ms. McGrath in P.E.  See our learning targets for today and talk to your child to learn more.

Volunteers Needed – Help us keep this blog active!

A classroom blog is a great place for students to see their work made public and share their ideas, plus its a place for parents to have virtual access to what we do in the classroom.  However, all writers – from children to adults –  need an audience.  If you are one of those parents who have mentioned how you would like to be a classroom volunteer but can’t seem to make it work out, I ask that you become a virtual classroom volunteer by posting comments, especially on student work.  This way, they know that their work isn’t simply disappearing into cyper space, but being read and appreciated.  Lastly, it would help me greatly if you would leave a comment on this post, just so I know the depth of our online readership.  :)Thank you.



  • March 30th – DARE graduation, 2 PM, MPR.  Parents are invited!
  • March 31st – Cookie Dough pick up.  Any volunteers?
  • April 3rd – End of third quarter
  • April 6th – 10th – SPRING BREAK
  • April 13th – May 1st– WASL Testing Window (we will begin testing on Tuesday April 14th)
  • April 13th – Camp T-shirt orders due
  • April 18th – MATH COMPETITION in Blaine
  • May 1st – Camp Thunderbird paperwork and final payment due
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  1. Terry

    What a beautiful blog, full of lots of valuable information. I like the layout and the colors. Looking forward to reading more from you and your students.

  2. Isaac

    Hi jackson, your dioluge is really discriptive… and funny!

  3. Jaime:)!

    (Mark you Calender Section.)
    I am curious: What is the walk testing window? I am also MAGORLY exited: Because, I can go to camp next year! But most of all, I’m wondering: Who is going to win the math compition!!!

  4. Mary

    The new blog is a great way to be kept informed. Less paper to get overlooked on the counters.

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