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Elaboration 4/2

Our opening target today was:

You will practice elaborating by using elaboration strategies to write aout Puget Sound.

Students were asked to elaborate on three simple sentences.

1) Puget Sound is an estuary.

2) The intertidal zone is home to many strange creatures.

3) Pollutants in Puget Sound aren’t easy to get rid of.

Here’s what we came up with:

The intertidal zone is home to many strange and wonderful creatures, for it is not home to only one habitat, it is home to several. Limpets suck down their shells when water rushes through their watery home. Sea Anemones’ tentacles dance gently in the current, seeking food to zap. Sea pens feathery tops wave back and forth. Perch zip through the eelgrass, only a shiny silver blur. Nudibranchs, crabs, plankton, and many more zany creatures are nestled in this area.


Pollutants aren’t easy to get rid of. Once I was watching a video one the Salish Sea. It said that only 5% of pollutants flow into the ocean from the Salish Sea. This means that the other 95% stays in the Salish Sea. Let’s do something about all of these pollutants.


Pollutants in Puget sound aren’t easy to get rid of. Only 5% of he pollutants along with some water is washed out. For example the  Exxon Valdez spill killed many marine animals and bird. So don’t pollute or it will hurt.

-Noah, Nathan, and Andy

“You know what Diana?”, said Fransisco.

“What?” asked Diana.

“I went to an estuary, the Puget Sound yesterday!”

“Cool! Did you see the amazing animals?”

“I saw a humongous sun star and the most odd looking fish with colorful skin!” Then someone stomped in.

“Do you have any idea what an estuary is? I asked Freshwater, Elmo, and Mad Scientist, and they told me it was freshwaters cousin or the first letter in the alphabet,”

“What is your name?” Franciscoasked.

“Saltwater,” Said Saltwater. “What is an estuary!?”

“An estuary is a semi enclosed arm of the sea-” said Diana.

“Where salt water is diluted by fresh water draing from the land.” Fransisco finshed for her.

-By Susanna, Kelsey, Wesley, and Kira  

Puget Sound is a delicatley balanced estuary. An estuary is a semi-enclosed arm of the sea where incoming saltwater is diluted by freshwater draining from the land. Puget Sound’s intertidal zone is home to many strange, colorful, and magnificent creatures including many different snails, sea anemones, and sea stars. Pollutants that flow into Puget Sound are awfully hard to get rid of. One of the pollutants billions of gallons of raw sewage and some the most toxic materials imaginable):. How would you feel if you living in sewage! Ick! Answer that!

-Jaime, Hannah, Lynzee, & Katie

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One Comment

  1. Isaac

    Very good! I like it!

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