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Links and guidance for the week

Good morning everyone!

I know that all this information is a little later than usual this week, but I gave myself permission to take a weekend.  The whole thing! I think it’s my first one since mid-August and it was really lovely, you guys. We made pasta and there was hiking and knitting…I highly recommend this “weekend” concept. I hope a few of you have tried it, too.

That said, this was a bit of a painfully early morning this morning, thought the sunrise is beautiful, so that’s something.

Here is some guidance for the week, though if you only remember three things, it’s this:

  • Sign up for a conference time (see Friday’s Post)
  • Tuesday is our supply bag pick up
  • There is no school on Wednesday to honor Veteran’s Day (That means this is a 4 day school week)

For more detail you can see our weekly schedule and Weekly Update Powerpoint or you can peruse the Weekly Loop (remember that your students will always have the most updated active copy).

Happy Monday!

Published inTeacher's Notes

One Comment

  1. Amy G

    Hi Christie,
    Your daily slides for the week have Tuesday as 11/11 and No School, along with the correct schedule. Wednesday’s slide is from 11/4 (instead of no school). Not sure if anyone else has noticed this…or is looking at them. Here I am not getting to them until midday Tuesday, but thought you would like to know in case you want to do a quick update. 🙂
    Thank you!!

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