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And here we are at (almost) December

Good morning everyone!

I hope that everyone found a moment or two of joy over the 4 day weekend. We have three weeks of good work before we take our next breather for Winter Break. Pace yourself. Find lots of small breaks and joys. Know that you are all doing good work. We’ll get their one step at a time. (I don’t know if that pep talk is for me or you. Probably all of us, eh?)

Here is what you’ll need as a parent to navigate this week.  I am still working on the loop and will have it up for students by class time. If your child would like to get started early, tell them they are welcome to access the Vocabulary hub  (this week we are working with avi/memor) or work on their Book Wheel (30 minutes of reading and logging their thinking) and get started there.

Please do take a moment sometime this week to review what we are doing in the classroom using the link above, even if you don’t get to it on Monday. The one piece to keep in mind right now is that there are no 10 minute family meetings this week (I have already removed them from your child’s Teams calendar). We will resume our 10 minute family meetings next week (December 7th).  If you have a specific concern, please do reach out to me via email.

Thank you and have a good week.

Ms. I



Published inToday's Learning Activities

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