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The End of this Calendar Year

Dear Families,

As we close out the 2020 part of the school year, I want to take a moment to thank you all for being a part of our classroom.  These past few months have been a very steep learning curve for all of us as we try to navigate this very different style of learning — and I know that we are no where near the end of our learning — but I am so grateful to be on this crazy classroom journey with so many hard working, supportive and empathic families. You have all supported me and supported your learners while we build a true classroom community.  I see your students’ skills growing. They are building confidence, practicing all the online problem solving, learning how to ask for help, learning to give grace to themselves and others, becoming stronger writers and better communicator and learning some seriously cool math.  We are doing the job of a classroom. Together. And for that — and for all of you — I am deeply grateful.

Here’s to hoping that 2021 brings more opportunities for togetherness, for learning and for joy.  I hope that you (we) all get some time away from a screen and and time to slow down and breathe.

If your child feels compelled to do any school work, just let it be reading. Read. Read. Read. All the rest can keep. 🙂

Be well and I will see you again in 2021!


Ms. Isler

Published inTeacher's Notes

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