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Targets 4/13/09

Writing: You will use the “alphabet taxonomy” strategy to generate and narrow ideas for a writing prompt.(prewriting)

Math: You will learn about/review flips, turns, slides.

Test prep: You will prepare your desk and yourself to show all you know on the WASL

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  1. Susanna

    In class we learned about alphabet taxonomy. First you have to write the alphabet vertically. Then, Ms. Isler told us our prompt. Our prompt was to write nouns, adjectives, and verbs about our spring break. Then, after we had to try to write 2 words on each letter, we picked our 3 favorite words. Then, out of those words, we picked one word and did the alphabet taxonomy again. I thought this learning target was fun and enjoyable
    – Susanna 🙂

  2. Piper

    Today Ms. Isler taught us about making an “alphabet taxonomy”. We had multiple steps. First, we needed to write all 26 letters of the alphabet- on our sheet of paper- vertically down our page. After that, we tried to brainstorm two words for each letter on what we did over Spring Break. Following that, we chose our three favorite topics. Out of all three, we chose our favorite one topic and did an “alphabet taxonomy” on that subject. I liked this learning target very much.

    — Piper

  3. So, today we used alphabet taxonomy to throw our experiences that we had during spring break. We wrote the alphabet down the side of our page, and put down any verbs, nouns, or adjectives that were at least loosly related to our spring break. Then, once we had two words by each letter, we narrowed down the subject to only one thing we did during spring break, than made an alphabet taxonomy for that. I at first did mine on the three series that I read this break, but that was too big of a topic, and I narrowed it down to the three books that I read this break, but even that was too big, so I went with the series I read this break. This can help a writer because in case he wanted to write a book, he could just put all he wanted to write down on the alphabet taxonomy, then he could narrow it down until he had a good set of characters and events to write the book

  4. Kira

    I did the Math Learning Target. We learned about flips, turns, and slides. A flip/reflection is when flip the object. It’s kind of like picking up the shape and flipping it, except you just draw it backwards. A turn is when you pretend to nail down a certain part of the shape and then turn the rest around the nailed down part. A slide is when you just move the object somewhere else. That is what flips, turns, and slides are.

    P.S. the first one has a lot of miss spelled words so here is the real one. =)

  5. Xandria (Zandrea)

    I met the writeing requirement by first writing the alphabet a-z. I next wrote words or short lines for as many letters as i could. I than chose the most interesting. Last i did the alphabet again but useing only the subject i chose.

  6. Nathan

    Today we learned about flipping, turning, and sliding. What you have to do to flip is you take a shape and reflect it so it has changed direction. You turn by pretending one angle is nailed down and you twist it in different directions. To slide you have to take a shape and slide it in one direction so it looks exactly the same except for being farther away.

    – Nathan

  7. Hannah

    We moved our desks in preperation for the WASL today. It was a huge mess until we got ourselves organized. I am sitting by Lynzee and Jaime in the back row (The only row with 8 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
    Remember the orcas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jake F.

    In class today we learned about flipping turning and climbing. I thought I knew what it was but I learned that to flip you can look at it backwards. to turn you have one point and you need how many degrees to turn. I learned that sliding it is just moving it to a different spot.


  9. jackson

    In class today, we moved our desks around in four rows of six. I am sitting by nobody. My group of four is parted into two groups of one and one group of two. Also, we were told how to prepare ourselves for the WASL. To do this, you have to go to bed early. wake up early and eat breakfast (a healthy one), and don’t go on a sugar eat-off right before the WASL time.

  10. Christian

    One of our learning targets today were that we had to prepare our desks for the WASL test. I met this target by checking my desk for anything that may be distracting and put them in a safe place, whether it is in my binder or the trash, I got the distractions put away some way. We also had to place our desks in rows, and our seat had to be away from our friends and we had to be away from people in the same grade as us and away from people of the same gender. To meet this part of the target, I tried to get as far away from someone that I think could be a distraction to my concentration, and if someone wanted to be next to me and I thought that they may be a distraction, I said “I don’t think that this seating will work so could you maybe sit somewhere else?” I think that these were useful solutions to help me meet the learning target.

  11. Bryan

    Today in class we reviewed flips (reflections), turns (rotations), and slides (translations). Flips, or reflections, look like to just drew the shape backwards or upside down. When you turn a shape, you’re really just turning the shape a certain number of degrees. When slid, a shape still looks the same, but is in a different location. Here I will slide the letter “d”.

    d ——————————————————————————- d

  12. John

    I did the alphabet taxonomy goal. I met this goal by (in class of course) put 26 ideas about spring break and then narrowed it down to one idea. I really liked it because it’s an easy way to organize thoughts about one big idea.

  13. WASL prep

    We did WASL prep today. I am probably the only person writing about this. For prep today we moved our desks so now we are not in groups. Instead we are in rows of 8 and there are 3 rows. Also in prep we learned about math terms that will show up in the WASL. Just so we remember and the terms are fresh in our mind. This is what we did for WASL prep today. Or the part that I can remember.
    – Wesley

  14. Lynzee

    Today we learned how to use Alphabet Taxonamy which is a way to narrow down writing. We also moved our desks in three groups of eight as preperation for the WASL. Our math learning target was to learn about flips, turns, and slides we were also going to review probability but didn’t have time.

  15. Vaibhav

    I learned about flips, turns, and slides. I also learned coordinate points with it. First Ms. Isler taught us about the flips turns and the slides, then we started putting examples in our math journal. Then we started learning about coordinate points, and also we started quizzing other students using flips, turns, and slides on coordinate points.

  16. Kelsey

    Today in class Ms.Isler taught us about the “alphabet taxonomy”. First she had us write the alphabet vertically down the left side of the page. Next she wrote a promt on the board. It was what you did over spring break. So she had think of what we did over break and put the words that were in our heads on to the paper. You put them where the first letter is. Then we picked our favorite three things and out of those three we chose our favorite then wrote another “alphabet taxonomy”. I love it!

  17. Jaime:)

    Alphebet Taxominy… no… Alphebet Taxomeny… Our next goal should be memorize how to spell “alphabet taxonomy” (YES! I spelled it right!)!
    A.T. is really fun because you A) Get to re-learn how vertical is even though, hint, hint, “Wright the alphabet vertically DOWN your sheet.” B) You think about a LOT of FUN! 52 fun things if you met the goal of 2 for each letter.
    A.T. can be a way of prewriting, so now I’m prepared for the writing WASL, and, I can make myself think hard about the past. A.T. also made me VERY caustious about wheather I missed a letter

  18. JAIME!!!!(:*

    First of all, alphabet taxonomy, is extremly hard to spell. (our next target should be master the spelling of A.T.)
    I really like AT because you make yourself really think about somthing just to figure out nothing that applies to your topic begins with x but x-ited. Hey its fun! Its a simple way to prewrite… heeey… I’m pretty sure the WRITING WASL REQUIRES A PREWRIGHT! I am prepared. I am pretty sure….(who doesn’t freak-out before the WASL?)

  19. Corey

    Today’s learning targets were fun. I like drawing the flips, turns, and slides. The alphabetical taxonomy so very interesting and how I would be thinking so hard about U and then all of a sudden Red (R) would pop into my head. I just kind of went with the flow when we changed desks and in my group of 4 I got Susanna, Hannah, and Lynzee. The only part I didn’t like was that people took so long to put away supplies and then we missed a part of lunch because we had to move desks. Otherwise I had a great day! (:

  20. Corey

    How we did the alphabetical taxonomy was that we wrote the alphabet down the lefthand side of the page and wrote things that related to our topic. (Our topic was what we did over spring break). Then we narrowed down the topic to our favorite moment of spring break. I picked when I had my Aunt and Uncle over and we watched the Masters when it went into overtime. (For those of you who don’t know, the masters is one of the biggest events in Professional Golf).

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